Friday, November 21, 2008


Promotion is so important to do in a good or  bad economy.   But we all know that can cost money.  And types of promotions work?  Direct mail?  E mail blast?  Phone calls?  In my experience the most effective way for me has been a combination of two.  Direct mail and e mail blast.  Cold calling I think puts people on the defensive.  A bad way to start out.  In the past year or so, I heard that e mails are not been seen.  The reason I believe is that everyone is doing them.  It is such a low cost to reach so many people at once.  Also, people are e mailing EVERYONE on a list.  Art Buyers tend to see 100's e mails a day.  People are not mindful who is handling which accounts.  You MUST do your RESEARCH!  There is a great info on targeting your e mails from the good people at ADBASE.  This interview is with three art buyers from McCann Worldwide.  It is about 20 minutes, but worth it I found.

There are other list list Agency Access is also a good list.

With direct mail I have found a great place to print with.  Cheap and Cheerful!

I have used them for a few years now and also send my mailing out.  Check them out.  Any if you have any other suggestion, let us know!

1 comment:

industrial insurance said...

I completely agree with you at the point "Promotion is so important to do in a good or bad economy. But we all know that can cost money. "