I purchased a Hassy Flex Body on e bay over a year ago. I wanted to use it with my new phase one P45 back. When I got it, I could not get a good image. So I put it aside. I even tried to sell it twice, I was so pissed. So last week I pulled out "again". I FINALLY figure out how to use the damm thing. I figure out the shutter opening and closing with the hassy lens. Not like a 4 x 5 where you can just open a close. Here you have to push down on the shutter to close then you push again to shoot. Well duh! Anyway, I'm very excited to start using it. I miss my 4 x 5, and this is close as it gets. So I will be doing a lot of trail and error with it.
So here you can see the set up on location. In desert. Be careful and mindful of the sand around you and blowing. Sand is not your friend to you or your camera and back.

I have had place in the desert for many years and I have never photographed these damm things
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