I have never seen so much promotion with creative consultants then I have these past few weeks. What is a creative consultant? A person to help or guide you in a direction that will benefit you with your creative endeavors. For the most part they help you pull your portfolio together/ website. Some are former Reps or worked in Åd agency's. My concern and caution would be to make sure they have an understanding of the type of photographer you want to be. I have seen it first hand myself and with others, how some just slap a book together. Some are nice, some are well. I'm not coming from a place bitterness or anger. I have meet several consultants that are fantastic. But in hindsight, I would have asked better questions. I would have check with reference that they have worked with.
I'm not here to say that all creative consultant are bad or not worth the money. But I find it very interesting that several come out of the wood work in such a down economy. I would hate to use prey, but proceed with caution and ask lots of questions. Make sure they are right for you. Like anything, do your research!
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