So I have decided to join the "web 2.0" world and hop on the blog wagon. Why? Ego..no well perhaps but, I have found loads of information and inspiration through the blog world.
One of the blogs you should check out is a guy named Chase Jarvis.
Loads of information and how to things. This guy has one of the best attitudes (next to mine :) about sharing information with each other.
So one of the things I have started doing is shooting things that I want to shoot. You might say well...duh. I know it sounds simple but after being the biz for awhile, I found myself in a rut of not shooting for myself. It is very easy not to when you have been fairly busy with work. I have created a nice niche being an interior / architectural photographer. Now I want to try new things... old things....whatever. So over time you will see new images from me that I will call..."things I want to shoot". Clever title hun...I want to show AB or AD things I would be into shooting. So here is the first one. As we go along I will be much better to video or actually shoot the set I'm working with. So hang in there with me.
The Ed Hardy Kicks
So what I did here is placed the shoes outside on my front curb. I photograph this in late morning, but used a strobe to overpower the sun. 2400 watts on one head with a snoot. The jeans are hanging from a C Stand. I purposely left jeans at "hi water" height. If I lower them on the jeans then they would not sit right. These are things you do when you do not have a model on hand. I then photoshop the pants down to the shoes closer. I knock out the background and placed this existing shot of downtown Edmonton Canada behind it. The Edmonton shot was a "pick up" shot I did at 11:30pm earlier this summer while shooting for the Westin Hotels chain. I did some photoshop to the background to make sure the shoes were the stars.
Hi Scott,
I found out about your site from Chase Jarvis' blog. I really like your work! Very nice stuff. I am just starting out myself and I have bookmarked your site because I can't help to be inspired by your work. I really enjoy photography and totally agree that you should do the work that you enjoy most. Good luck with that! I am sure this new road will lead you to many new and great projects.
Hey Jeff,
Thanks for comment...sorry for the delay getting back to you. I have just been nuts with some jobs. I'm trying to get on a steady post of things to come.
Cheers! Scott
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