Monday, November 24, 2008

Hassy Flex Body

I purchased a Hassy Flex Body on e bay over a year ago.  I wanted to use it with my new  phase one P45 back.  When I got it, I could not get a good image.  So I put it aside.  I even tried to sell it twice, I was so pissed.  So last week I pulled out "again". I FINALLY figure out how to use the damm thing.  I figure out the shutter opening and closing with the hassy lens.  Not like a 4 x 5 where you can just open a close.  Here you have to push down on the shutter to close then you push again to shoot.  Well duh!  Anyway, I'm very excited to start using it.  I miss my 4 x 5, and this is close as it gets.  So I will be doing a lot of trail and error with it.  

So here you can see the set up on location.  In desert.  Be careful and mindful of the sand around you and blowing.  Sand is not your friend to you or your camera and back.

I have had place in the desert for many years and I have never photographed these damm things

Cannon EOS 5D MKII

Ok, I have seen the Nikon D90, but now I have just seen the first ever 1080p short film on the New Cannon 5D MKII from photographer Vicent LaForet.  It looks fantastic.  Go see it.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Promotion is so important to do in a good or  bad economy.   But we all know that can cost money.  And types of promotions work?  Direct mail?  E mail blast?  Phone calls?  In my experience the most effective way for me has been a combination of two.  Direct mail and e mail blast.  Cold calling I think puts people on the defensive.  A bad way to start out.  In the past year or so, I heard that e mails are not been seen.  The reason I believe is that everyone is doing them.  It is such a low cost to reach so many people at once.  Also, people are e mailing EVERYONE on a list.  Art Buyers tend to see 100's e mails a day.  People are not mindful who is handling which accounts.  You MUST do your RESEARCH!  There is a great info on targeting your e mails from the good people at ADBASE.  This interview is with three art buyers from McCann Worldwide.  It is about 20 minutes, but worth it I found.

There are other list list Agency Access is also a good list.

With direct mail I have found a great place to print with.  Cheap and Cheerful!

I have used them for a few years now and also send my mailing out.  Check them out.  Any if you have any other suggestion, let us know!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Business Insurance

From time to time get asked do I need business insurance?  The answer is absolutely yes!  You need to protect yourself.  I know it may be hard to understand the importance of it when your first starting out.  You may not have the extra cash to do it.  But in my opinion you can not afford not to.  

Business insurance is your friend.  You have to use to your advantage.  How you ask.  First off, there are going be times when certain locations requires it.  So before you can even bid on that job, you have to tools.  Business insurance is a tool just like your camera.  Another advantage is renting equipment.  Instead of plunking down some crazy deposit needed from the rental house, you can provided them with "proof insurance".  The rental house may require to change the payee on it for the time of the rental.  Not a problem, ask your insurance writer to do so for the amount time you require the rental.  It may cost you a little money like $10 for the time, but worth it.  Not many people have a $50K credit card limit.  Even my American Express raises an eyebrow from time to time.  It is really important to build a relationship with a rental house.  Mine happens to be Calumet.  A Like the service, but they are also overseas as well.  I had just used them back in March for a shoot in London.  That when the relationship comes in handy...but that is another topic.

So where to find this Business Insurance?  ASMP has linked to Taylor and Taylor in LA and NYC   I have not used them.  I use a local company in my town Community Insurance.  I have been with Zurich and now with Hartford.  Major players.  When you talk to someone about business insurance, ask them if they have any experience with any other photographer's.  It is really important that they understand how you use your equipment in and out of a studio.  How it it is stored and transported.  You want to make sure you are protected in every possible way. 

Quick example.  Back a few years ago, we were shooting this hotel.  It was at the end of a long day and we were packing up.  One of the assistants placed my 4 x 5 camera in the hallway.  Next thing.."CRASH".  Camera feel over broke the back , bent the frame and crack the lens.  We are not sure if a guest bum into it or what.  So the next morning i called my insurance guy.  they ask for a list of damages.  I had a check fed x to me within 48 hours.  I bought all new stuff.  I'm not kidding...48 hours.  Hardly any down time.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008